There has never been a moment in my life when I thought that an opportunity, or an advancement, or recognition was provided for me on just my merit alone. I have ALWAYS been clear that every time I got a “yes”, it was by the grace of God.
But what about when the answer is”no”?

When I tell you the universe handed me my ass today…
There is an establishment that I wanted to work with, and about 3 years ago, I stopped procrastinating and put myself out there. Spoke to one of the owners….got connected to their talent liaison and began a dialogue…..patronized the establishment….etc, etc. I did this for about a year. And I kept getting passed over. After a while I just made peace with the possibility that this wasn’t gonna happen for me, so I stopped putting energy into it and moved on.
Years later, I find out that the establishment has money issues, the relationship with the owners and staff is tumultuous, the owner is a MAGA maniac, and the patrons complain about the quality of the product. All things that my “research “ didn’t reveal. Apparently God don’t play about me, because He made sure that I did not end up in an environment inundated with such toxicity.
It’s wild to think about all of the things I longed for throughout my life that would have either harmed me, set me back, or even destroyed me. There are so many “no’s” that broke my heart to accept… so many…..but God sees & hears what I can”t. And I’m so grateful for it. Grateful for Him metaphorically not letting put my hand in the fire for warmth. For steering me away from the company of evil, manipulative souls. Making me sit down even when I don’t want to because leaving your house and coming back unharmed is not promised to everyone.
The revelation continues to be a bug-out. Like the light bulb went off on some “oh THAAAT’S why……”. Sometimes those “that’s why…” reveals are good for adding some extra umph to your faith.
I know it does for mine.
☮️ & ❤️,